Sunday, March 29, 2015
10th trip to Barcelona: 8th to 13th of March 2015
Links from the Swedish group:
* Host families in Barcelona
* Our Catalansk partner school
* Barrio Gótico = The gothic quarters
* La música en las calles = Street music
* Castalleres = Human towers
* Un hombre especial= A special man
* La comida = The food
* Montserrat = The mountain Montserrat
* La cena juntos = The dinner together at Tasca di Vins
* Our Catalansk partner school
* Barrio Gótico = The gothic quarters
* La música en las calles = Street music
* Castalleres = Human towers
* Un hombre especial= A special man
* La comida = The food
* Montserrat = The mountain Montserrat
* La cena juntos = The dinner together at Tasca di Vins
Esperando más "reportajes de los alumnos suecos!
Música en las calles
Musica en las calles
de Barcelona – Music in the streets of Barcelona
La musica en las calles era
tan increible. En citios muy turísticos, los canciónes eran en inglés y más
modernos, mientras en los citios mas nativos, las líricas eran en español y más
tipicalmente de España. Los músicos usaban muchos instrumentos diferentes, como
por ejemplo arpas, guitarras, tambores tradicionales, bongos y trompetos.
Algunos cantaban, otros solamente tocaban instrumentos. Estaban en el centro
como La Rambla, en el metro, y Parc Guell.
The music in the streets was so incredible. In more touristic places, the songs were in English representing a more modern style, while in the more “local” places the lyrics were in Spanish. The musicians used a lot of different instruments, as for an example harps, guitars, drums and trumpets. Some of them sang, others were only playing instruments. They were in the center of Barcelona, such as La Rambla, the metro, and Parc Guell
Alice Säfström and Frida
Saturday, March 28, 2015
aula de educación física y hicimos "castalleres"
Castalleres son torres humanos y son muy típico
de Cataluña. Era muy diferente pero divertido.
On tuesday afternoon we got together with the
Catalan students in their gym at their school and
made "castalleres". Castalleres are human towers
and are very typical for Catalunya.
Nos dieron a probar construir torres de nosotros
mismos y ver los profesionales construir torres
It was very different but fun. We got to try building
small tours of our own and then we watched the
profesionals build different ones.
Filippa + Carolina
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Un hombre especial
El hombre de nuestras
Uno de los recuerdos mas fuertes de nuestro viaje a
Barcelona es, sin dudas, los churros y en particular el hombre de la churrería
arriba del metro Alfons X, muy cerca del colegio Joan Brossa.
En total,
comimos churros cuatro veces (excepto Alvin, que los comio seis veces). Sobre
el hombre que vendido los churros dijiste Alvin: “Es un hombre de honor. No
expone ni siquiera el hombre sus precisos. Su meta no es ganar dinero, pero que
dar intencion a la humanidad.”.
El lunes,
el dia despues de la llegada a Barcelona, comimos churros por primera vez cerca
de Parc Guell. Era una imagen divertida, casi todo el grupo sueco sientando en
el mismo restaurant, todos pidiendo churros.
El dia
siguiente, vinimos a una churrería que Niki nos había recomendado. De verdad,
los churros eran muy ricos, especialmente como pedimos chocolate extra pero, en
nuestra opinion, la churrería de Alfons X todavia es lo mejor. Con su camisa
negra, sus ojos oscuros, y su sonrisa, el hombre de la churrería robaba
nuestras corazones. Cometia un robo a traves de las papilas gustativas.
Alvin y Anton
The man of our lives
One of our
most memorable memories from a trip to Barcelona is, without doubt, the churros
and in particular the man of the churrería above the underground station Alfons
X, very close to the school Joan Brossa.
In total,
we ate churros four times (except for Alvin, who ate them six times). Regarding the man who sold the churros Alvin
said: “He is a man of honour. He does not even expose the prices of his
churros, because he isn’t in it for the money. His goal is simply to give
meaning to humanity.”
On Monday,
the day after our arrival in Barcelona, we ate churros for the first time, close
to Parc Guell. It was a sight of joy, almost the whole Swedish group sitting at
the same restaurant, all ordering churros.
following day, we went to a churrería which Niki had recommended. The truth is,
the churros were very enjoyable, especially since we ordered extra chocolate
but in our opinion, the currería at Alfons X was far superior. With his black
shirt, dark eyes and stunning smile, the man of the churrería ripped the hearts
out of our chests. With the skill and wit of a burglar he gently made a forced
entrance through our taste buds to ravage our hearts.
Alvin and Anton
On Monday,
the day after our arrival in Barcelona, we ate churros for the first time, close
to Parc Guell. It was a sight of joy, almost the whole Swedish group sitting at
the same restaurant, all ordering churros.
following day, we went to a churrería which Niki had recommended. The truth is,
the churros were very enjoyable, especially since we ordered extra chocolate
but in our opinion, the currería at Alfons X was far superior. With his black
shirt, dark eyes and stunning smile, the man of the churrería ripped the hearts
out of our chests. With the skill and wit of a burglar he gently made a forced
entrance through our taste buds to ravage our hearts.
Alvin and Anton
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
"Castellers"-human towers- (10/03/15)
From 8 to 13 March we received the Swedish students, who had come to visit Barcelona, to learn about our traditions and to practice the Spanish language.
One of the activities scheduled in the program was a “Castellers” (human towers) workshop in our school, to learn a little about the story, the technique and what they do. The group who came to the school is called "Laietans de Gramenet", first we were given an explanation of the techniques used to carry out the activity and the types of castles they can build, after a demonstration they offered to teach how to climb onto some of the Castellers with their assistance.
The Swedes were quite impressed with the activity because they saw it was not easy. It was a good team building activity and we all learnt about this Catalan tradition.
By Emiliano Carrillo, Eva Palomino and Manel Rausell
School trip to Montserrat (11/03/15)
On Wednesday March 11 the Catalan and the Swedish students with their teachers went on a day trip to Montserrat. We met at 8:45 am in front of the school, then we took a bus, and at about 10 am we arrived in Montserrat. It was a nice day, the sun was shining and it was hot. First we took a group photo before starting our hike.
Once we made the picture we started the excursion, we hiked up to St. Jeroni, the highest point of the mountain, where we saw spectacular views that left us speechless. Some students were exhausted and very tired of climbing stairs, but in the end we all made it.

Once we reached the top, we were all very happy and finally we could rest. We ate there while we were talking and taking photos of the views with our partners. It was the best time of day.

In the bus we
were all tired and we just wanted to rest and be at home. It was a trip that
was worth it.
By Sofía García, Joan Gutiérrez and María Macías
Sunday, March 22, 2015
The Farewell Dinner (12/03/15)
On 12th March we had a dinner with the Swedish students. We met with all of them and with the teachers at 8:30 pm at the restaurant “Tasca i vins”. When we got there we were shown to a dining room only for us, we sat down in different tables and on the tables we could see some drinks such as lemon, orange and cola sodas and water.

Then the waiters started serving the food. As starters they brought nachos, Spanish omelets, croquettes, calamari, and "calçots". “Calçots” is a very typical Catalan dish, they are spring onions that have been grilled and they are served with a special sauce. You have to peel the outer layer of the onion, which is charred, and then dip it into the sauce. Finally the waiters brought an assortment of toasts with whip, cheese, pork loin, tuna and bacon. For desert we had lemon ice-cream.
When we finished the meal the Swedish teachers gave a present to our teachers, Patricia and Jan, it was a traditional Swedish game.
Later on we left the restaurant and we went to a park nearby. When we were there we sang a typical Catalan song, "L'hora dels adeus" and we said goodbye to everybody because that was the last time that we were going to see some of the Swedish students.

When we finished the meal the Swedish teachers gave a present to our teachers, Patricia and Jan, it was a traditional Swedish game.
Later on we left the restaurant and we went to a park nearby. When we were there we sang a typical Catalan song, "L'hora dels adeus" and we said goodbye to everybody because that was the last time that we were going to see some of the Swedish students.
By Mònica Monfort, Irene Romeu and Anaïs Salvador
Thursday, March 19, 2015
La comida
Comida espanola/catalana
La comida en Espana es diferente que la de Suecia. Por ejemplo en Espana no se comen pan moreno ni mantequilla en los bocadillos. En lugar tienen tomate tritudaro con un poco de aceite de oliva. Casi todo de los carnes, pollos y pescados son fritos, eso es raro en Suecia. En espana se comen muchas tapas, pensamos que este es un buen plato porque se puede comer cuanto quieres. Nos gustó el plato mucho. Los postres tenían sabores ricos y azucarados. Un ejemplo de postre es el chorro. Nos encantaron
La comida en Espana es diferente que la de Suecia. Por ejemplo en Espana no se comen pan moreno ni mantequilla en los bocadillos. En lugar tienen tomate tritudaro con un poco de aceite de oliva. Casi todo de los carnes, pollos y pescados son fritos, eso es raro en Suecia. En espana se comen muchas tapas, pensamos que este es un buen plato porque se puede comer cuanto quieres. Nos gustó el plato mucho. Los postres tenían sabores ricos y azucarados. Un ejemplo de postre es el chorro. Nos encantaron
Spanish food
The Spanish
food is different from the Swedish food. E.g in Spain they don’t eat dark bread
nor butter on their snadwiches. Instead they use tomato sauce and some olive oil.
Almost all of the meat, chicken and fish is fried, which is unusual in Sweden.
They eat lots of tapas which we think is a good meal since you can eat as much
as you want. We liked the dish much. The desserts tasted really good and they
were sweet. An example of dessert is the churro. We liked it alot.
Anna, Linus
& Anton
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